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Dowsing Updates --->>Oct. 16, 2000

There was a problem with the server and some of you haven't
received the update #17. I apologize and will repeat some of the
information here.

I announced the winner of our Dowsing Challenge.
The correct response came from Diana.
I contacted her but haven't heard from her yet.
Thank you all who participated in this game, it proved to be more
difficult then I anticipated. Please check:


for the location of the jar with silver coins.


Questions about dowsing accuracy keep on coming, so here is
another way of dowsing without our ego / emotions getting in the
way: ask a fellow dowser to dowse your question without letting
him/her know (ask it in your mind). Try to make your question as
clear as possible to get either "yes" or "no" answer.
It can be done over the phone, just watch those long distance


We have moved the two "working copies" of pages with info for
dowsing beginners to our server. (There were problems with the
free server we have tried as an experiment).
They still will be accessible through the link:




or from the main page on our website - the link "Beginner's
Please send your suggestions on the kind of information you would
like to see there.


We still have a couple of slightly damaged Mer-Isis Large
pendulums. We offer them to you at discounted price of $45.00
(regular price-$59.80).



Reading a Polish "paranormal" magazine called "Unknown World" I
found an article about a dowser / healer Kilian Kurlus living in
Poland using Yin Yang symbol to heal, energize and detoxify food
and water. I found it very interesting as about 20 years ago I
used this symbol intuitively as a neutralizer of "negative"
zones. According to Kurlus (and my dowsing confirmed it) the
important part is to position the small "eyes" on the symbol on
the North-South axis with the white "eye" pointing towards North.
He claims that food or water placed on the symbol will loose its
toxicity and becomes energized (the symbol shouldn't be completly
covered). He also uses it to heal, but because of very scattered
details I will skip this part. I've been always fascinated and
intrigued by 2D and 3D symbols/patterns that generate some kind
of energy detected by dowsing (The Shield, genesa crystal, cross
symbol in its many forms, Kybalion Cross, etc.). If you like
experimenting - try to check validity of the above. By the way -
if you have a high resolution picture of the Yin Yang symbol - I
would apreciate if you could send it to me.


Pendulum of the month - SUPER ISIS

ISIS This is a pendulum invented and constructed by one of
the highly regarded experts of radiesthetic equipment, creator of
our "Cadillac" line equipment, Jozef Baj of Warsaw, Poland.
Its shape symbolizes the Cross of Life as known to ancient
The four parallel disks create an amplifier, making it very
sensitive and selective.
Isis generates its own energy at a frequency equivalent to the
colour white - the synthesis of all colours. This strong,
constant radiation makes it perfect for use as a "carrier wave"
which can be modulated and use in teleradiesthesia. (use of
radiesthetic equipment from a distance)
It is very safe. Isis is a mental pendulum and can be used as a
transmitter or receiver, according to the mental command of the
operator. It can be used in checking food, herbs, in making
health diagnoses and as a generator of carrier wave in work with
maps and distance healing.
It doesn't need neutralization - it clean itself.
Because of its unique properties and safety it should be
considered basic and necessary pendulum of every dowser.
The Super Isis has 6 batteries instead of four and that
significantly increases its power and sensitivity. Great for
spiritual work and healing.

"I got the Super Isis today, and I can't believe the greater
spiritual energy level it carries. It tested 170% increase in
divine energy!!!
That's over the other model. It is wonderful.
Thank you so much for helping us with this, Chris. The Masters
and I greatly appreciate your help. So many people will get
greater healings from this wonderful tool.
Blessings Be,
The Masters & Whitneay T. Vanwells
NewSpirit Services (...)"

Please check Whitneay's website:


to see how she utilizes it.

That's all for this update, please keep your questions, comments
and info coming.

>> May your pendulum always swing the right way <<

Chris Gozdzik
Divining Mind

Divining Mind Radiesthetic Supplies, PO. Box 189 Greenwood, BC, V0H 1J0, Canada
Copyright © 1998-2005 Divining Mind Radiesthetic Supplies. All rights reserved.